Side gigs, side hustle

Side Gigs: Key to Personal Financial Growth

If you're looking to make some extra money, or save more of what you already have, then side gigs are your answer. Side hustles...
online side hustles, online side hustle, social media consultant, social media consultants, Tips to Start Your Online Job Search

17 Online Side hustles. 6th is the best!

Freelance work is a huge part of the economy. There are more freelancers than there ever have been before and they all need to...
Soft skills help in relating with coworkers. Salary negotiation, salary negotiations

5 incredible Tips During Salary Negotiation

Before you even step foot in the interview, there are a few things that you need to know. You should research which salary range...
Start your Online store

How to Launch Your Side Hustle

Sharing your business ideas with others is essential to see if they are viable. You may have some great ideas, but you don't always...

A Side hustle in Kenya for 2021; Make Money as a...

I know side hustles might not be a thing for everyone, but its worth thinking about. Businesses have moved online and to make sure...
creative side hustles

Jobs are Unrelated to Your Qualifications.

When I left college, I was very good at making applications. Job applications. I applied for dozens of jobs every week with confidence each...
Job hunting, job search

Job Search. Here are 9 Proven Tips

Job Search Strategies are mainly of two types – reactive and proactive. The reactive job search strategies for seeking jobs are used by many...
group of police on street

5 benefits of choosing a career in criminal justice

Deciding on a career path can be very exciting and overwhelming. One of the in-demand career paths today is a career in the criminal...
multiethnic thoughtful girls playing chess in modern room

American History: 1500 to 1700

The period between 1500 and 1870 in the American history highlights important events as well as social, economic and political trends in the history...
Jobs in kenya, scam jobs in kenya, legit vacancies in kenya

How Do You Change your Careers Amid COVID-19?

The spread of COVID-19 has impacted people and businesses across the globe as millions continue to experience layoffs, furloughs and reduced hours. If your...