Home EDUCATION Jobs are Unrelated to Your Qualifications.

Jobs are Unrelated to Your Qualifications.

creative side hustles

When I left college, I was very good at making applications. Job applications. I applied for dozens of jobs every week with confidence each time knowing a cal for an interview will come. I even applied for people. I applied for my ex and she got the job. I had the energy, I never gave up, each time I believed I could do it.

Fast forward in 2021, I am tired. I do not have the energy, the zeal and the agility I had then. I got to work for several financial institutions and a Indian owned distribution firm. I must say I did well for my employers until the Indians decided it was time to let me go.

Its been two years since my last contract. I have a job. I employed myself after unceremoniously being released from my duties in 2019. I applied for hundreds of job. I have not received any called for consideration. I cant blame covid since I lost the job before covid. The only close to a job event that happened was an interview to sell softwares which was commission based and not very enticing since it was, again, an Indian firm.

In the cause of my job, I have met and spoken to a lot of people about job losses and the hard times and the need to find solace in whatever you can do to survive. Not illegal of course, but rather finding contentment in what ever ideas you may have to survive.

One time I drove a lady to a mans house where she was going to spend the night there since things were tough. She lost her job due to covid and she had to survive. She was selling herself. I was working and she was going to work so I couldn’t tell her not to do it. We didn’t speak Mich about what she does but we spoke about things were tough especially after the pandemic struck.

Having been to school and did well and worked for sometime, I have learnt that it education has long term influence in to what end up doing in life rather than helping you make money. Education gives you the versatility to take up roles you know nothing about and excel in those roles. Like finding qualified teacher becoming very good bankers. It happens in this country. So what ever you do, do it with love and know that your education wasn’t in vain but it gave you the ability to think and create employment rather make you and employee.


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